Happy Cannabis Anniversary, Canada

Sumit Mehta
Oct 17, 2020

Today, October 17th 2020, marks the 2nd anniversary of Canadian cannabis legalization. Canada remains the first G7 nation and second country globally to legalize cannabis at the federal level.

Canada has permitted home cannabis cultivation for medicinal use since 2001. Yet, to protect concerns about production, distribution and use, the Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) program was put in place in 2013. Licensed Producers were able to cultivate crops for sale to those with valid prescriptions, strengthening the medicinal market. By 2016, the program was deemed unconstitutional due to patients’ inability to grow their own cannabis and shut down.

Canada then implemented a new act called the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR). In 2018, this passed and adult use of cannabis was thus legalized at the federal level.

The only impossible journey is the one you never begin

Did You Know?

On the same day as the 2nd anniversary of Canadian legalization, voters in New Zealand plan to vote on a nationwide referendum that would legalize the use and possession of cannabis by anyone over twenty years old. According to the Horizon Poll, 49.5% of all respondents in a nationwide survey said they were in favor, 49.5% were against, and 1% gave no response. If Parliament passes cannabis legalization, New Zealand will be the third country in the world to do so, following Canada and Uruguay.

Overnight success often takes a long time

